Articles by Tom Goulding

Art project reveals kindness on London underground For some social commentators, the stereotype Londoner is an unfriendly commuter on the underground railway, burying their head in a book. Bu... Arts
Kindness the Movie A documentary project is gathering stories of kindness from all over the world Arts
Speed limit campaign drives forward A campaign to reduce the urban speed limit to 20mph and make the UK a safer, cleaner and greener place is rapidly growing Society
Fridges recycled to make outdoor cinema A renewable outdoor cinema in London’s East End has shown the benefits of recycling in the run up to the Olympics Innovation
Image for Summer camp helps teenagers with HIV
Summer camp helps teenagers with HIV A summer camp for teenagers living with HIV has been making an encouraging impact in the heart of the Derbyshire countryside Society Youth
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Life lessons: Anna Whitehouse on what life so far has taught her

Women in the DRC are pushing for land rights, and curbing gender-based violence in the process

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