We want to know: what would make you more likely to engage with politics?

With trust in politics at a record low, what needs to change? Constructive tweaks or nothing short of a complete overhaul? Tell us

With trust in politics at a record low, what needs to change? Constructive tweaks or nothing short of a complete overhaul? Tell us

Public trust and confidence in government is at a record low in the UK, according to the latest British Social Attitudes survey. There’s a general sense of weariness in the air in response to struggling public services, perceived broken promises and anger over Partygate lies.

So, what needs to change to re-engage people and re-inspire trust?

Young people may seem politically disengaged, but the British Election Study suggests the opposite to be true: people under the age of 25 are likely to have started activism at a younger age as well as being the most likely to take part in political activities.

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So, should we lower the voting age? Tighten up rules on lobbying? Do we need some way of outlawing political point-scoring? Or is it cronyism that really gets your goat? And how can we get beyond short-termism?

Perhaps you’re a believer in the potential of citizen’s assembles – advisory panels plucked from ordinary people – or should we go as far as referendums for every law change?

Maybe you have some ideas about how to encourage empathy in politics: mandatory shadowing of people who would be most impacted by a particular change or policy for example? Or would you introduce compulsory counselling for anyone seeking public office?

What can the media do to help?

Whether you have helpful tweaks to suggest, or a complete system overhaul in mind: we want to hear from you using the form below. We won’t be able to publish all answers, but we will read them.

Image: Leon Elldot / composite 

  • Answers may be edited for length or clarity.
  • If we select to include your answer, we will publish your first name only
  • Whereabouts in the world do you live?

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