Making hope the headline: Positive News magazine’s 100 reasons for optimism in 2020

From the business leaders transforming capitalism, to inspirational activists and campaigning musicians, the Jan–Mar 2020 issue of Positive News magazine shines the spotlight on the people and organisations creating hope for the coming year and beyond

From the business leaders transforming capitalism, to inspirational activists and campaigning musicians, the Jan–Mar 2020 issue of Positive News magazine shines the spotlight on the people and organisations creating hope for the coming year and beyond

January always brings a mixed bag of emotions for me: a time both to reflect on the year that has ended and to look forward to the brand new one. And with the beginning of a fresh decade, this January feels loaded with possibility.

It’s apt that at this turning point, we’re marking an incredible 100 issues of Positive News in print. To celebrate this milestone and set the tone for what’s to come, we want to give you an extra blast of optimism. To power you into 2020, we’re showcasing 100 inspiring people and exciting projects that are creating hope for the future.

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From grassroots sustainability campaigners to global movements for better business; from football pitches to the Glastonbury main stage, there are stories of progress everywhere. There will be entries you might recognise, and new discoveries, too. What’s astonishing is how they reveal the diverse ways in which our social and environmental challenges are being met head on, and the potential for our world to be transformed, step by step and leap by leap.

Something I’m particularly optimistic about is the number of businesses that are standing up and making public commitments to rebalance their priorities; getting serious about making a positive impact alongside profit. And it’s not only the radical outliers anymore, though they may be leading the way.

I was fascinated to learn about Blue City, an old leisure centre in Rotterdam, Netherlands, that’s been turned into a hub for new ventures that are trying to work out how to turn waste into something useful. It’s a beacon for showing how economies could become more circular, rather than extractive.

To power you into 2020, we’re showcasing 100 inspiring people and exciting projects that are creating hope for the future

Another highlight for me is the change that’s afoot in the UK’s publishing industry. After some fairly damning evidence about the lack of diversity in publishing, a cohort of authors and industry professionals have set out to turn this around. As an inveterate bookworm, I’m excited by the potential of new voices emerging on the bookshelves.

Altogether, it turned out that picking just 100 entries from the many, many we could have included, was quite a challenge – which is perhaps the most optimistic fact of all. I hope those that we have chosen help to make ‘hope’ your headline, as you look to the year ahead. And please do get in touch to let us know what gives you hope for 2020.