Tag: Climate change

What went right this week: avoiding a sixth mass extinction, plus more Scientists showed how to avoid a sixth mass extinction, humanity became ‘less negative’, and Sierra Leone banned child marriage, plus more Conservation Lifestyle Society Wellbeing World
Positive.News | Partners
How to supercharge climate action? Get schools involved Schools are an untapped resource for slashing the UK’s emissions, reckon those behind a fun new climate event Written in partnership with Let's Go Zero
The climate cafe helping eco-anxious Africans find hope amid the heat Youth activist Jennifer Uchendu is on a mission to help fellow Nigerians give voice to their climate fears Body & Mind Environment Lifestyle Society Wellbeing World
Even as the heat has been on in Dubai, the renewables juggernaut has gathered pace The Cop28 agreement is imperfect yet significant – and one of a host of causes for optimism Environment Politics Society World
‘It reaches deep inside people’: the climate choirs singing for the planet More than 500 members of UK climate choirs are taking part in peaceful protest performances on the climate and nature emergency Arts Environment Lifestyle UK
What went right this week: millionaires mooted a wealth tax, plus more Millionaires mooted a wealth tax, class entered the climate debate, and blue whales returned to the Seychelles, plus more Economics Environment Lifestyle Society
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