Tag: Travel

What went right this week: getting ahead of cancer, plus more There was progress on cancer, bison helped fix the climate, and TikTok got teens reading, plus more Education Environment Health Lifestyle Society
What went right this week: a major win for climate justice, plus more Climate activists won big in Europe, the UK hit a pay gap milestone, and Germany went loco for locos, plus more Environment Health Science Society
How Greenland’s tourism industry lobbied for a green tax, and won In January, a new cruise tax came into effect in Greenland following a campaign by residents and the country’s tourism sector Environment Lifestyle Society Travel
Three good things: tour operators innovating for blind and neurodiverse people These organisations aim to make traveling the world a more comfortable reality for visually impaired and autistic visitors Lifestyle Society Travel Wellbeing
The Faroe Islands is doing tourism on its own terms Once a year the Faroe Islands closes to tourists – except those willing to roll up their sleeves and help fix the place Environment Lifestyle Sustainable Development Travel
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image for Life lessons: Anna Whitehouse on what life so far has taught her

Life lessons: Anna Whitehouse on what life so far has taught her

Women in the DRC are pushing for land rights, and curbing gender-based violence in the process

Hanging tough: the free climbing sessions for refugees and asylum seekers